An Exciting Announcement!
So much has happened in the last few weeks that it is almost a blur. We celebrated Easter by having a weekend off from classes in the...
It is always exciting when we are about to return to San Diego. I can hardly wait and am so glad for the opportunity to see old friends...
Gang Boss and Thieves
Since Brayancito came to live with us, I felt the need to teach him how to drive. This skill is not easily learned in his circle of...
End of Semester Party, July 2018 Last year when my mom came with a team, we decided to visit the hospital and pray for the sick and then...
Baptism is new Life
Baptisms were so good! I wish I could relate to you all just how amazing it was. Those who have been baptized know. Our local...
Walls came tumbling down.
When Julio came to the ministry, his face was hard. His eyes were cold and his heart was closed. He pulled up on his modified...
2nd Level Ministry and 2nd Level Dreams
It’s due time for a Cocal Update and I apologize for not getting one out sooner. We had sign-ups for classes at the end of February and...
Travels and Blessings
There is so much to say about our trip to the United States. It was destined to be a good trip because we faced so much opposition in...
Election Day Protests
Weather wise, it was a typical day in November, overcast with high humidity, muggy, but it was anything but typical. It was Election Day...
$800 Faith
When a Honduran wants to come to the states, they must first pay $160 non-refundable fee in the bank. When minimum wage is $400/mo, $160...