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CHildren's Center

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Our vision is to transform people to become agents of change in their own culture through spiritual wholeness and early education.  In the largest deep water port of Central America, We are strategically placed  to gain influence and change the culture.  Our main focus is education.  We recently opened a children's center, The Timothy Center, in Agua Caliente.  We offer social and spiritual development to children ages 5-14 from all over the mountain region.  We focus on three main areas:

Discipleship, Education, Diversion

The most important formation we can offer a child is Christ-Centered.  We introduce the children to their creator and help them grow as followers of Jesus.  We seek to support the children in their formal studies, giving them free tutoring and ensuring they finish school. Fun is not a right, but a reward for hard work and dedications.  We want the children to enjoy the center, but realize that fun is earned.  Through these programs we aim to reach children for Jesus and through them, their families.  We want to empower them to become all that God has planned for them to be. 


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Our Discipleship program focuses on Jesus.  We help students discover who he is and who they are in Him.  We use games, crafts, stories, and Superbook to teach the Word of God and inspire faith.  With our older students we use a youth discipleship program and The Chosen.



The education program aims to keep children in school and progressing in their studies.  We host free tutoring, access to internet, computer classes, and a reading course.  We also engage little ones with a reading circle.  Our goal is that all our students finish their formal studies and graduate.  Community volunteers give courses on life skills for the children in preparation for the future. 

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Fun and laughter is a healthy part of life and you cannot have a children's center without it.  Here we focus on games and activities that build teamwork, and leadership skills, along with instilling moral values in the students.  We have daily activities, communal activities, dramas, movie nights, baking class, etc.  There are many ways to engage and have a good time.

At the heart of the center is our dedicated staff.  This team of volunteers dedicate time, energy, and expertise to help inspire, teach and lead young children in the right direction.  Most volunteers attend the local church while others come from communities surrounding Agua Caliente.  We are very grateful for their hard work.


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