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Becoming a Cocal Partner is a great way to get involved on a personal level with Cocal Gracias.  When you partner with us monthly, we will send you a welcome card explaining your involvement and a photo of one of our students, so that you can pray for them throughout the year.  You will also receive our quarterly newsletter with testimonies and stories written by our students.   Cocal Partners are not specific to any given student, but support the whole ministry.  Thank you for giving a hope and future to someone through vocational training and the love of Jesus.

Rita's Testimony

My name is Rita.  I am 38 years old and I and my daughter , Lucero, take English classes in MLV.  Personally, the Bible studies given in MLV have made significant changes in my life.  The way that they teach the Word and explain each study has helped me understand the purpose of God in my life.  It was in one of the bible studies that I decided to open my heart to Jesus and that He be the Lord of my life.  I had not planned on doing this, nor did I have any idea what could happen at that moment.  Suddenly I felt like fire inside of me and it wanted to leap out of my chest.  I felt suffocated so I opened my mouth to breathe better.  Brian asked if someone wanted to give their life to Jesus and I remained silent.  He prayed to end the bible study, and afterwards looked straight at me  and asked if I wanted to receive Jesus.  I felt in my heart that this was the moment to do so, and I did it.  While Brian and I prayed I felt something very heavy lift off of my shoulders and then a river of peace and tranquility rushed it.  It was so great it surprised me.  It flooded my life.  The best  decision made in my entire life was made.  I also was baptized in MLV for the honor and glory of my Lord.  Now I pray that my creator will help me be better each day and fulfill the purpose He has with my life.  I am thankful to MLV for the love and influence from each one of its members. 


-Rita Amador,  First level English student

Online Giving

TO DONATE MONTHLY:   Follow the donate button or QR Code.  Set your own monthly amount.  After you set your amount with Paypal, please select recurring monthly.   

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Send a Check

Sending a check is easy.  It is $240 a year to partner with Cocal and give an education to someone.  Please make checks Payable to: COCAL GRACIAS

Send check to: P.O. Box 35552, Tucson AZ, 85740

Thank you for partnering with us!


COCAL GRACIAS is a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit working in Honduras.  We use education and community development as a way to teach and demonstrate the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our trade school center in Puerto Cortes currently serves students in areas like Computers, English, Welding, Sewing, Auto Mechanics and Music.  Our Timothy Center provides discipleship and mentorship to youth.  Cocal Gracias in approved by the Nazarene Church as a Compassionate Ministry.










P.O. BOX 35552

Tucson, AZ 85740





Col. La Esperanza, Calle Principal

Aulas Azules, Puerto Cortes, HN


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© 2021 by COCAL GRACIAS.

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