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A great way to keep up with us is our events page.  Here we post upcoming events for COCAL GRACIAS and MLV.  We encourage you to use the page to guide your prayer time for us.  We need your prayers over these events!  Partner with us and make them a reality.

Jan. -Feb.

Ruarks In Arizona

The Ruarks will be in Arizona. They are Available for speaking around the country.


Construction Project

Cocal Gracias has started a remodel and amplification of installations to better serve the community.  We are building a second level.  A team from Indiana Nazarene District will be with us in the beginning of the month to help build. 


Venta de Carpa

This will be our seventh bi-annual tent sale, put on by the student body.  We will sell articles donated by them, along with food, services, and games.  This is our big event to raise funds for the end-of-semester party.

July- August

End-of-semester Party!

Classes will end and we will be taking all our students, family, and friends to a water park to celebrate.  We will share the word with them, graduate students, and have a fun day.  This will be the best party yet!


A Cocal Gracias mission team will be joining us from July 11July 22, then August 5-12.  They will be helping with the party, visiting villages, praying for the sick, and teaching seminars.  If you would like to join, please contact us!

Sept. -October


Second semester starts in August and is in full swing by September.  We anticipate a good turn out for our second semester,like the 140 students in our first semester. 

Nov. - Dec.


This will be our third annual potluck Thanksgiving.  We are looking forward to a large turn out.  Our celebration last year was double the year before. 


A second Cocal Gracias team will join us at the end of Novemer to serve in the ministry, help with the graduation party, and visit the poor.  For more info on how to join the team, email us!

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